Friday, May 12, 2006
Theatre embaressment
This blog should really be renamed to "The stupid things I do in the hospital". Well, here's another one, an excerpt from an email I sent a friend. Can't be bothered to change it, so you'll get it in that form.

"I did something else rather stupid in theatre the other day too. You see, I've previously only inserted urinary catheters into mannequins. The organ of insertion of catheter on the mannequin is made of rubber and hence is quite firm and erect.

So, I rocked up to orthopaedics theatre the other day and was told to insert a urinary catheter into a man who was under GA (General Anaesthesia) and spinal, with the surg registrar and surgeon watching. I prepped the area and then proceeded to pick the organ up in order to squirt anaesthetic jelly into it, and commented (out loud of course), "It's SO soft! And the hole is so small! You want me to put the tip of THAT injection into THAT small hole?".

Needless to say, the surg reg was highly amused and kept saying, "Yes, into THAT".

To make matters worse, I honestly couldn't see how the injection tip would fit into that hole, and stood there holding the organ upright with the syringe in my other hand with an incredulous look on my face for literally 30 seconds before I did anything. My partner Kemble was pissing himself in the corner. ;) "

Oh dear, oh dear.


Blogger Sue-Lyn said...

EXACTLY! My point exactly!

Otherwise usually there is something REALLY wrong with the situation.

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