Thursday, July 12, 2007
Delayed Response to Being Tagged

So, thanks to Drey , I now have to share 7 facts about myself.

1. My favourite time of the day is the time between when I get into bed and when I actually fall asleep. I love vainly trying to grasp my final thoughts, attempting to place a bookmark to keep place in my random musings, before giving up and surrendering to sweet, deep slumber. It doesn't happen very often, as sleep is often hard to come by.

2. I can't eat Haagen Daz mango sorbet anymore because I subsisted on pints of it together with tins of pappadums during my O-level exams.

3. When it snows, I turn into a complete kid. I stomp around making trails of footprints, chuck snowballs at friends, and try and slide down slopes.

4. I hate crying.

5. There's nothing that makes me feel better than spending time with my brother. I love watching his face light up to an off-key rendition of Polly Puts the Kettle On. He's so incredibly cute when he's fighting sleep because he wants to keep playing with his toy piano.

6. Beach holidays over mountain ones anyday.

7. I dislike the sterile smell of my bathroom after a good scrub. I much prefer the blend of my conditioner, Chanel perfume, fruity shower-gel and Nivea moisturiser that lingers long after my shower.



Blogger drey said...

it's an excellent shot of Jerald! i am like you in re: point 1 :)

missing u here, how is the weather?

Blogger Incognito said...

Gerald, jie :)

I like the smell of my bathroom after a shower.

Blogger Sue-Lyn said...

Yes, I like that picture of Gerald (thanks Agnes) too. It really shows his soft and cute baby side. Even the out-of-focusness of our digital cam enhances that.

It is HOT. Hot Hot Hot. And Humid. After stepping out of the shower here, one immediately starts sweating again. Yuck. But I have to say that it is nice being able to walk out in a skirt and top, and not have to dread the cold wind.

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